Not answered what you're looking for? Contact Steve on 01483 474737.

Can I tweak the AI edit when it's enhanced?

Yes! There is a small panel underneath the photo with a few simple alteration options include:

1.) Change sky

2.) Use original sky and

3.) Use original verticals

What if I don't like the AI Facelift?

Our platform will enhance your image whether you like it or not however you only pay for the edit if you like it. If you reject the edit and 'Send to Artist' you will not pay for the AI edit, instead, you will be charged for the hand edit (same price unless 2-hour selected).

How long does virtual furnishing take to come back?

Normally 1-2 days. We can fast-track sometimes, just ask - nicely...

How quickly do you turn digital surgery edits around?

It depends on the complexity of the edit. We aim to get all edits back the same day orby the following morning. We also have a fast-track option which bumps your edit up the queue for £1. If it's a really big job (like finishing a half-built house) we generally say 1-2 days.

Do I need a disclaimer with large edits or virtual furnishing?

With digital surgery we do not remove anything that is permanently there. If you ask us to remove a lamp post for example, we simply won't do it as we don't want to get you in trouble! For Virtual Furnishing, it's our view you do not need a disclaimer unless you're altering permanent features like walls and carpets - you may wish to add one and we're happy to do this for you. Larger edits, like finishing a part-built property, changing walls or adding flooring will DEFINITELY need a disclaimer.

How does this affect Consumer Protection Regulations?

We're very aware of Consumer Protection Regulations and would always recommend not to go ahead with an edit if you were in breach. When removing and adding objects, every effort will be taken to make it as accurate as possible. To help us, you can upload photos of what's behind an object or there's a space to add in a google street view address so we can check online how a property should look. Equally, we would not remove items that are likely to deceive if they're taken out. This includes things like street furniture, lamp posts, views of other buildings etc.

Do you offer volume discounts?

Sign up to Direct Debit and you'll automatically join the Doctor Photo Club. Simply send more than 24 Facelift edits a month and the price drops from £1.20 to 70p. Wish to send us thousands? Give us a shout...

What if I want to change something when I receive the edit back?

No problem. When you upload your photo there are lots of options to brief-in exactly what you're after. You can even annotate a photo when briefing a digital surgery picture. But we must admit, sometimes we're not mind readers. That's cool. Please let us know via the 'Feedback' button when you receive your edit back (available in the photo recovery area via email, or on your Order page) and we'll make the corrections you ask for ASAP.

How fast can I get them back?

Facelift photos performed by AI will be available to download in seconds. A hand-edit Facelift is available within 24 hours unless you select our premium 2-hour service (for £1 more). Digital surgery we aim to return the same day or by the following morning, and virtual furnishing within 1 - 2 days. Plans... well...normally by the following day :-)

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